dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Int Dogshow Liegé Belgium

Our new showgirl Close To Perfection In Mom's Track aka Lotte did already what I named her
At the age of onley 13 months Best Of Breed and Res Best Junior in show. Way to go for
our lovely girl. Our visitor Vaderland Feel The Forse 1 Ex, CAC and CACIB. With this
result he got his 4th Belgium CAC. Nikita was Best Veteran and Res Best Vetaran in show.
Thank you so much to the judges Mrs R. Reyniers, Mr Vanaken and Mr Delmar.
And afcourse my great friend Bas Roosendaal for the great day we had together.
Multi Champion Nikita Best Veteran

Ch Vaderland Feel The Forse

Close To Perfection In Mom's Track